Mindfulness Meditation with the Wind

I went out on the deck to take a picture of the deep dark blue ocean this morning. As I passed our navel orange tree, I looked down and spotted this orange! Guess the birds think we have sweet oranges too! I realized how warm it was so I went in, got a cup of coffee and went back to sit on the deck. I sat there, at times, closing my eyes to engage the other senses. The Santa Ana winds were blowing. Santa Anas don’t blow non-stop. They blow in gusts of various strengths. They can be cold winds or warm to hot winds. These were the warm winds. I sat very still paying attention. Soon I noticed the winds had stopped. read...

Head Cold: Metaphysical or a Virus?

From the very beginning I felt the head coldwas related to the funeral. Our son’s father-in-law, Don, had passed, a big loss to a close knitfamily. We left early for the Jewish memorial services, then went to the house as prescribed. At the burial site, I hugged those whose loss was deep, holding on tight as I felt the sobs run through the body. At the house, I listened to various people talking about loss, their relationship to Don, I listened to Don’s son talk about his dad, a close member of the family talking about life, families,  a hospital volunteer who knew Don and had also lost her own husband, my daughter-in-law who recounted events in the last week. Our grandsons were part of the memorial program and did a beautiful job. Yet I knew the grief was there. read...

Relationship Advice: Give Up the Need to be Right

How many arguments have occurred with your spouse or significant other because each of you wanted to be right? If neither of you gave relented, how did it end? You didn’t speak to each other? You thought the other was an idiot or stubborn or just plain wrong? Did you ever wonder what in the world you saw in them in the first place? That maybe you made a big mistake here? Think I’ve experienced any of that? You bet I have. I fought tooth and nail and got really mad. You see, I had to be right. For me, it was a matter of life and death. If I was wrong, I would die. In my warped thinking, I would have been devalued in my own eyes and I believed that my husband would think less of me as well. I could not chance that. read...

Mindful Meditation

Where do you spend most of your time? In the past, present or future? When we spend our time in either the past or future, we miss the present. Did you know that our mind can’t think about the present? Our mind can only think about the past or the future so that’s how it keeps us from the present. In order to be in the present, we must learn to still the mind so that we can observe and enjoy the present moment. Mindfulness meditation is a great technique to learn the art of being mindful. Take 15 minutes to walk what normally takes you 30 seconds to walk. You want to do this barefoot. If you do this outside, forget about what others may say or think. This is for you. read...

Easy Healthy Recipe for Boneless Chicken Breasts

Ok, we are truly spoiled. We live in California with access to amazing organic fruits and organic vegetables year round. We cook our dinners using the freshest ingredients as much as possible. The abundance of choices we have is huge. So with all this, I find we get stuck doing the same dishes over and over. Some days we want something different. I found myself in that situation the other night. We had boneless organic chicken breasts. I didn’t want them broiled, or baked or done with rosemary, white wine and garlic. I didn’t want chicken piccata, all our standard fare. read...

Online Coaching for Social Networking is a Good Idea

What would you expect to get from a social networking class? Most likely how to effectively use various components of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, right? Maybe how to use Facebook for business in a more effective way. I did expect to learn how to increase twitter followers  athough I still wasn’t so sure I liked twitter. I also learned the importance of organic SEO where your postings are found organically. So the last thing I ever expected from a Social networking class was to find my voice , to gain confidence in my knowledge, and to learn how to share it more effectively. (Now I understand that my husband,family and friends would say I’ve always had a voice!) read...

Foodie Vacation – Always!

I’m a foodie.  Seems like I’ve been one forever so maybe I came out of the chute that way.   I know I bugged my working single mom to teach me to cook and soon I was making home cooked meals at age 11 or 12. I never stopped cooking. My love of food continued and grew. So it’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that any vacation is going to include great food, preferably gourmet food.  Luckily my husband loves food too.  He’d have to love food or I wouldn’t have married him.  I stopped dating a guy because he didn’t eat onions! read...

Pacific Grove California

My husband and I took off for the first time in years this Thanksgiving. We took a break from our daily routine and visited a favorite spot for us, Pacific Grove, California. With that rugged coastline along the bay, Monterey, Carmel, Cannery Row and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, there was plenty to see, savor both in taste and for the eyes, and take tons of pictures. And I did take pictures with my Nikon, my Lumix and my cell phone. The Lumix was amazing to use inside the aquarium. The early morning hours were the best for picture taking along the coast. There weren’t many people about either, just the very hearty joggers and bikers. read...

Healing Frequencies Bringing Light, Information and Healings

I’ve had an overriding thought for several days. Some of you may know I’m one of hundreds of Reconnective Healing practitioners. And a few of you also  know how powerful this work is even though you may not understand how it works. I have some news for you. Many of us who do this work including Dr. Eric Pearl and the scientists who study this work can’t fully explain it. One of the things we are taught in the training is to learn to say “I don’t know”. read...