It’s All about the Moon!

We headed out to the Ventura promenade the night before the super moon night to check out good photo positions. I know there are tons of photos of the moon over water in a stock gallery but I wanted one of my own! And I wanted one that was orange and big! We have many great photographers in Ventura.  I consider myself a wannabe! I’ve lived here for close to 32 years. I’ve been to the ocean, listened to the surf, photographed it in its’ many moods at many times of the day. Somehow I missed one thing. I’ve never been at the promenade near a full moon. Well, at least not at the rocky section of the promenade. I’ve known we have a lot of rocks and boulders in Ventura. Our house is on an ancient river bed and we can get some pretty massive boulders when we start digging in our yard. We found some massive ones when we began putting in a vegetable garden. read...

Unexpected Lesson During an Arts Grants Meeting

I learned of a grants for arts program through the Ventura County Arts Council that combines an artist with a partner who wishes to create a benefit for the community. I had an idea and decided to check out the meeting. I currently have no partner, just an idea that has been in the back of my mind for some time. The meeting was like other business presentations but I soon learned that it also had exercises. During the presentation, I learned that you could apply for a grant from the Arts Council. The artist and the partner could continue to do additional fundraising for the project to get the monies needed. read...

Overcoming Anxiety, Restoring Joy

I am always talking about looking for validation from within, yes? So why then do I forget at times and start stressing over whether so and so or what’s his name thinks about me? Did I do something to lose their love? The simple answer is I’m human. I’d love to think that I don’t do that anymore, but I’d just be fooling myself! I had a call during the morning from a relative who was in the mode of being hurt, rejected, and feeling unloved. As I listened, I reminded them that what others thought of them has nothing to do with who they are. That when others act or say things that can appear cruel , that it all has everything to do with themselves and not with the person to whom it is directed. read...

A Blog Writer asks: What is Personal Success?

This question has come up for me recently. I thought I’d ask all of you!  I know I want to make a difference.  Exactly how I don’t fully know yet. I do know that I (to paraphase Ralph Waldo Emerson) want to know that one life has breathed easier because I have lived. So what is the measurement of success? Is it money, having a business that is well known? Is it having influence in the business world? Is it having a big house? What about being mentioned in business magazines?  How often must it happen?  Is it having more than your neighbors, or acquaintances or family members? Is it having more houses, more toys, more cars, more clothes? Is it having employees and prestige? Is having a title important to you? read...

Being Judgmental

A Facebook friend, Rowena Starling, wrote a blog last week about kids pushing your buttons and that you can desensitize your buttons so that you don’t react to the kids. Well, the last couple of days because of the holidays and a few other things that have happened, I had several buttons pushed that I thought were gone. It was interesting to see me reacting to them. I was judging my situation as bad. At one point I was ready to completely collapse into tears and I found myself looking at the emotions coming up. I realized I could collapse into the crying and have a self pity party or I could question what was going on in my thoughts to derail the pity train. read...

What is the Role of Spiritual Healing?

I’ve been thinking about healing. Some people believe healing happens to them. Or maybe they are being punished for some perceived slight by their diety. If they get better, they believe either the doctors or the alternative healers cured them or healed them. There is a big missing component for me. It is the person’s own participation in the equation and their place on their own path. Have you ever considered that there may be a strong spiritual cause for an illness? According to Louise Hays and many other spiritual teachers, there is. I agree with them. Louise Hays has a book called “Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body”. read...

Love Italian meals? Try Clam Linguine

Now for a fun post! Good home cooked meal recipes can be found everywhere. You can find simple healthy food recipes that fits your time and your style. Good meals are doable in a short amount of time. Treat yourself to something special every so often to feed your soul of appreciation and gratitude. The important thing to keep them healthy is to limit using processed foods. Right now we’re talking clam linguine, my way! It really is relatively simple and takes 20-25 minutes max unless you have to scrub the clams. Get family members or friends to help on that, have fun together and it’s done in no time. I promise you won’t get bitten either! This can be done ahead of time  and put the clams back in the frig until you are ready to cook. When you bring the clams home, get them out of any plastic bag and put them in a bowl in the coldest part of your frig. read...

Need Mindfulness Training? Try cooking!

After much deliberation on what to cook for dinner one night, I finally made the decision to do Osso Buco Milanese. Now many would think that deliberating about what to cook is not that important! However, I’m a foodie and for foodies, it’s important.   It was raining and cold with some sleet. I was wanting some wonderful luscious warmth for dinner. I just needed one of my healthy recipes. While I began to prepare the dish, I realized that most of the time that I am cooking, I’m not having so much mind chatter. I’m concentrating on washing, cutting, measuring, browning, etc. And during all that, I may check the recipe if I happen to be using one and considering whether to alter anything in it. Yet my attention is on the dish I am cooking. It’s a peaceful time, restorative. read...

Summer Vacation or Future Preview?

I was 19 and on a  train for my first California trip. It would be one lovely summer  to care for my cousin’s small son and fix breakfasts on weekdays. Evenings and weekends were mine to do as I pleased and I had use of their car if needed. Whoopee! How could I refuse. It took 2 or 3 days of travel from Ohio. I don’t remember much of the railroad travel. I do remember my first meal in California  however! I was picked up at the LA Union station and taken to my cousin’s house in San Fernando Valley. There I found a dining room table set with a tablecloth, cloth napkins, wine glasses, and candles. I had never seen that in a home before! read...