by Julieanne New | Oct 8, 2013 | Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
In my last post, I mentioned my Italian mother. My grandparents came from the Abruzzo region of Italy. It’s a region to the east of Rome and part of the region borders the Adriatic Sea. My grandparents were from the mountains in Abruzzo, a little town called...
by Julieanne New | Oct 7, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
In my previous post, I talked about getting started cooking. In this one, I’ll continue on with my lessons from mom. My mom was one of the cooks in the family. Her sister, Aunt Louise, was not. Aunt Louise cooked but she did it out of necessity. Mom enjoyed...
by Julieanne New | Oct 6, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Youth & Vitality
I always tell people I came out of the shute as a foodie. I have always loved food, good food. At the age of 10, I began begging my mom to teach me to cook. She finally gave in and by 12 I was making dinners for my mom, sister and I. Maybe it was a survival tactic, I...
by Julieanne New | Oct 2, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Spirituality
The last collaboration Gwendolyn Lawrence Alley and I did for the VCAC art show called Collaboration was with my painting called Water Ballet which is pictured on the left. It wasn’t one of the paintings I had chosen to go into the show. However, when Gwendolyn...
by Julieanne New | Oct 2, 2013 | Interests, Spirituality
In my last blog I explained how my friend and poet Gwendolyn Lawrence Alley and I collaborated for an art show put on by the Ventura County Arts Council. This is another of the three which we submitted for the show. Gwendolyn had a larger poem she had done for Calla...
by Julieanne New | Sep 25, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Spirituality
I have mixed feelings about entering art shows. If validation comes from within, then the results of an art show can create counter productive emotions. The ego gets excited if you win and gets deflated when you lose. That is, until one is good with whatever happens...
by Julieanne New | Sep 5, 2013 | Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
When I entered the room, my eyes saw a sea of wine glasses. I saw 8 glasses at each place. Five of them had small amounts of blending wine along with bottles to replenish the glasses. The sixth had the Rodney Strong Symmetry wine to give us inspiration! Two were...
by Julieanne New | Aug 26, 2013 | Interests, Spirituality
There actually is a relationship with these four words? I was reading Seth’s blog about shipping versus rushing. I began to think about all the times I am racing to save those few minutes or I don’t take the time to read small, charming blogs or...
by Julieanne New | Aug 19, 2013 | Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
So what is a blend? According to the free dictionary, a blend is “to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another” or “to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one...
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