Reconnective Healing, An Energy Healing Therapy with Results

I have been doing the Reconnective Healing and the Reconnection for over two years. I’ve seen so many changes in my life. I was a volunteer at the last Reconnective Healing training. I loved the experience. I had a great time greeting the attendees and being with the other volunteers and some of the teacher assistants as well. We had long 12 hour days. At times it was intense with short lunch breaks but I found it rewarding in many ways. I helped in other ways: working in the store and sometimes laying on a table for a demo or to be a practice body for an attendee. read...

Brainstorming Tool: List 50 Things That Bring You Joy

There is a little brainstorming tool you can do that will help you learn what brings you joy!   Here is my experience with this creative tool. Give yourself an uninterrupted time frame and let it flow. And it’s easy to do 50. Once you start you are reminded of others as you are writing the current one. And it gives you such a lift! Here are a few of mine: the smell of the ocean orange blossom fragrance  smell of garlic and onions cooking in olive oil dolphins frolicking waterfalls rainbows Once you have your list done notice how you feel in your heart, notice if you’re smiling and how big your grin is.  Maybe you noticed how the smiles began soon after you wrote your first few items.  This will open your heart and make you feel so much better!  Keep it nearby or make copies. Use when needed!   Julieanne Case came from a left brained world, having been a computer programmer who worked on the Apollo missions and, due to circumstances orchestrated by the universe, joined the growing ranks of the right brained world starting in 2001. She became an energy healing practitioner in 2004 and has studied various techniques. She is a Reconnective Healing Pracitioner, a painter, and a blogger. She assists you in reconnecting to your youth and your vitality! read...

Reconnective Energy healing: What happens during a session?

I’ve explained about Reconnective Healing in another video log.  In that video I explained that I open the door for your healing. And it is up to your higher self to walk through the door.  I also explained that healing occurs in the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical areas based on what is appropriate for the client. So what can happen during a session? Each session is different.  I’ve seen some amazing things happen. I’ve also just seen a client lie there and go very deep.  It will look  to me like nothing occurred until the client later shares some pretty wonderful and sometimes mind blowing things that they experienced in the session.  Of course, I love hearing about what everyone experiences. read...

What is Energy Healing Therapy: What is it? Part 5

As I said, I was very frustrated in not moving forward as a energy healer with my first teacher. I had reviewed the  training several times but nothing new was being offered.  An opportunity to learn Reiki healing  appeared (turn 1).  I took it in exchange for working with cancer patients at the hospital. I got the Reiki attunement, the Initiation process for the Reiki energies. I enjoyed volunteering with cancer patients and I could do reiki on myself and long distance healing.  Reiki energies are not directed. Some of the techniques for the first energy modality were directed to specific issues, working on one item at a time. Another technique balanced your energy centers while another was similar to Reiki in that you did hands on but you let the energy direct where you should put your hands which you learn how to do in the training.  A few of the techniques allowed distance healing. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What is it? Part 4

My personal healing  journey began before I began taking energy healing workshops. At this point, I had no idea I was heading down the path to becoming an energy healer. I didn’t have a clue what was ahead. My journey toward this started after the car accident. I had reached a healing plateau with Gail and the Chiropractor. Gail told me about a self help seminar that taught you a method of releasing emotions to which you are attached from your body. Hearing that it was in my head or heart from both of them, I had to find out if that was true so I decided to take the seminar. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What are some Benefits? Part 3

I received energy healing modalities before I began taking the classes to become an energy healing practitioner. I worked on issues of long standing and on recent day to day things that occur in every life.  I worked on grief, love, loss, hate, feelings of not being lovable or loved, mothers, abuse, fears of all kinds, jealousy, envy, judgment, abandonment, anything and everything. As I worked on them, things began to change for me. Some of the big old issues began to lose their charge and the hurtful feelings began to lessen. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What is it? Part 2

Continuing on  my series on Energy Healing Therapy.  If you haven’t read  the first blog I wrote on this topic, it might be helpful to do so. As I was saying in the first post, everything that happens to us gets stored in our energy field.  Now I am going to introduce another component to this.  I believe that we all have things to learn in this life and through those “teachings” or lessons, we grow and develop.  How we grow and develop depends on how we react to what we go through.  You have choices: become embittered, a victim, or you can accept what happened to you and look for the good in it.   I went the route of the victim, the poor me and probably embittered too. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What is it?

  So what is energy and energy work?  Am I referring to an electrician coming out to work with the energy called electricity for our house?  No, I’m talking about the energy that we have in and around our bodies, the energy that makes up our bodies.  The energy that helps us do so much with these wonderful forms called bodies and with the thoughts in the brain or mind and the feelings in our hearts.  Emotions are a form of  energy too. We are all made up of energy. Energy is also called Chi or Prana. The Chinese, Japanese and Indian cultures have studied energy and recognized that you can be aware of the energy in the bodies and manipulate the energy for better health, emotional stability and more.   We have an energy field around us that contains an aura.  Everything that happens to us affects our energy field. Our energy fields hold much of what happens to us, happy events, traumas and everything in between. Have you ever noticed when something reminds you of an extremely happy event, you immediately start smiling and feeling some fantastic feelings?  If you stop to notice, you’ve triggered the event that is in your energy field where you first experienced that happy occasion. The same is true, if not more so with a trauma. Anything close to that trauma sets off that emotional response that we stored there when the initial event took place. And nothing seems to dislodge it. read...

The Gifts of Gratitude – Part 1

Many of us spend time judging each other.  Some of that time we spend comparing which is another form of judgment that usually leaves the comparer holding the short end of the stick.  Many don’t even think comparing is judging.  To have a comparison you have to judge each element, put them on some form of scale and then see who has the highest mark.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you are in a bad mood, you lose a lot. If you are feeling haughty or better than the rest of the world, then you might win more. What is it if it’s not judging? All we’d really need is a bench and judge gavel to make it complete.  And sometimes we judge ourselves against a generic, do we not? read...