Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 3

In the first and second blogs of this series I talked about the a few of the studies that were done with plants and plant leaves and Reconnective Healing™. For this blog, I’m going to report some of the findings that have resulted from testing both the practitioners and the clients with Reconnective Healing™. The scientists who have conducted many of these tests are Dr. Gary Schwartz, PhD, Professor at University of Arizona, Dr. William Tiller, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia. read...

Energy Therapy with Proven Results: Reconnective Healing

I had the opportunity to talk about Reconnective Healing to a networking group. Due to this fact, I did some research into the effects of Reconnective Healing. One of the things that drew me to Reconnective Healing was the fact that scientists were brought in from the beginning to study this modality to determine what was happening. Remember I came from a left brain world.  I love that research opportunities were utilized. Even though I’ve always had an interest in spiritual things, I still liked having some confirmations that it could be very real. And the scientists came from various parts of the world and from some prestigious universities and organizations like Dr. William Tiller, professor emeritus at Stanford University, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia and Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona. read...

Unexpected Lesson During an Arts Grants Meeting

I learned of a grants for arts program through the Ventura County Arts Council that combines an artist with a partner who wishes to create a benefit for the community. I had an idea and decided to check out the meeting. I currently have no partner, just an idea that has been in the back of my mind for some time. The meeting was like other business presentations but I soon learned that it also had exercises. During the presentation, I learned that you could apply for a grant from the Arts Council. The artist and the partner could continue to do additional fundraising for the project to get the monies needed. read...

Overcoming Anxiety, Restoring Joy

I am always talking about looking for validation from within, yes? So why then do I forget at times and start stressing over whether so and so or what’s his name thinks about me? Did I do something to lose their love? The simple answer is I’m human. I’d love to think that I don’t do that anymore, but I’d just be fooling myself! I had a call during the morning from a relative who was in the mode of being hurt, rejected, and feeling unloved. As I listened, I reminded them that what others thought of them has nothing to do with who they are. That when others act or say things that can appear cruel , that it all has everything to do with themselves and not with the person to whom it is directed. read...

What is the Role of Spiritual Healing?

I’ve been thinking about healing. Some people believe healing happens to them. Or maybe they are being punished for some perceived slight by their diety. If they get better, they believe either the doctors or the alternative healers cured them or healed them. There is a big missing component for me. It is the person’s own participation in the equation and their place on their own path. Have you ever considered that there may be a strong spiritual cause for an illness? According to Louise Hays and many other spiritual teachers, there is. I agree with them. Louise Hays has a book called “Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body”. read...

Mindfulness Meditation with the Wind

I went out on the deck to take a picture of the deep dark blue ocean this morning. As I passed our navel orange tree, I looked down and spotted this orange! Guess the birds think we have sweet oranges too! I realized how warm it was so I went in, got a cup of coffee and went back to sit on the deck. I sat there, at times, closing my eyes to engage the other senses. The Santa Ana winds were blowing. Santa Anas don’t blow non-stop. They blow in gusts of various strengths. They can be cold winds or warm to hot winds. These were the warm winds. I sat very still paying attention. Soon I noticed the winds had stopped. read...

Head Cold: Metaphysical or a Virus?

From the very beginning I felt the head coldwas related to the funeral. Our son’s father-in-law, Don, had passed, a big loss to a close knitfamily. We left early for the Jewish memorial services, then went to the house as prescribed. At the burial site, I hugged those whose loss was deep, holding on tight as I felt the sobs run through the body. At the house, I listened to various people talking about loss, their relationship to Don, I listened to Don’s son talk about his dad, a close member of the family talking about life, families,  a hospital volunteer who knew Don and had also lost her own husband, my daughter-in-law who recounted events in the last week. Our grandsons were part of the memorial program and did a beautiful job. Yet I knew the grief was there. read...

Healing Frequencies Bringing Light, Information and Healings

I’ve had an overriding thought for several days. Some of you may know I’m one of hundreds of Reconnective Healing practitioners. And a few of you also  know how powerful this work is even though you may not understand how it works. I have some news for you. Many of us who do this work including Dr. Eric Pearl and the scientists who study this work can’t fully explain it. One of the things we are taught in the training is to learn to say “I don’t know”. read...

An Example of the Art of Mirroring

Even with all my writing and videoing about the Art of Mirroring, something happened to me at the Reconnective Healing trainings that startled me. I’m always reminding people that we are all mirrors for each other. Sometimes I’m blind. At the end of the Reconnective healing seminar, I got in the line to get my picture taken with Dr. Eric Pearl.  I love listening to him talk. He’s funny, bright, astute, and sarcastic.  He is also quite capable of pushing people’s buttons.  So I waited until the line was pretty much done. My turn soon came and I got my picture taken with him. read...