by Julieanne New | Nov 2, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
I have been doing the Reconnective Healing and the Reconnection for over two years. I’ve seen so many changes in my life. I was a volunteer at the last Reconnective Healing training. I loved the experience. I had a great time greeting the attendees and being...
by Julieanne New | Oct 16, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
There is a little brainstorming tool you can do that will help you learn what brings you joy! Here is my experience with this creative tool. Give yourself an uninterrupted time frame and let it flow. And it’s easy to do 50. Once you start you are reminded...
by Julieanne New | Oct 7, 2011 | Energy Healing
I’ve explained about Reconnective Healing in another video log. In that video I explained that I open the door for your healing. And it is up to your higher self to walk through the door. I also explained that healing occurs in the emotional,...
by Julieanne New | Sep 4, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
As I said, I was very frustrated in not moving forward as a energy healer with my first teacher. I had reviewed the training several times but nothing new was being offered. An opportunity to learn Reiki healing appeared (turn 1). I took it in...
by Julieanne New | Aug 30, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
My personal healing journey began before I began taking energy healing workshops. At this point, I had no idea I was heading down the path to becoming an energy healer. I didn’t have a clue what was ahead. My journey toward this started after the car accident....
by Julieanne New | Aug 29, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
I received energy healing modalities before I began taking the classes to become an energy healing practitioner. I worked on issues of long standing and on recent day to day things that occur in every life. I worked on grief, love, loss, hate, feelings of not being...
by Julieanne New | Aug 24, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
Continuing on my series on Energy Healing Therapy. If you haven’t read the first blog I wrote on this topic, it might be helpful to do so. As I was saying in the first post, everything that happens to us gets stored in our energy field. Now I am going to...
by Julieanne New | Aug 22, 2011 | Energy Healing
So what is energy and energy work? Am I referring to an electrician coming out to work with the energy called electricity for our house? No, I’m talking about the energy that we have in and around our bodies, the energy that makes up our bodies. The energy...
by Julieanne New | Jul 16, 2011 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
Many of us spend time judging each other. Some of that time we spend comparing which is another form of judgment that usually leaves the comparer holding the short end of the stick. Many don’t even think comparing is judging. To have a comparison you have to judge...
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