by Julieanne New | Oct 2, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Spirituality
The last collaboration Gwendolyn Lawrence Alley and I did for the VCAC art show called Collaboration was with my painting called Water Ballet which is pictured on the left. It wasn’t one of the paintings I had chosen to go into the show. However, when Gwendolyn...
by Julieanne New | Sep 25, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Spirituality
I have mixed feelings about entering art shows. If validation comes from within, then the results of an art show can create counter productive emotions. The ego gets excited if you win and gets deflated when you lose. That is, until one is good with whatever happens...
by Julieanne New | Sep 14, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Spirituality
I work on watching my thoughts most of the time, especially judgments. I find it interesting that Wikepedia defines Judgment as the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. My husband, Ron, and I had gone to a party a couple of months ago. I didn’t realize how...
by Julieanne New | Sep 17, 2012 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Spirituality
When I can, I do hospice work with Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association. They do in home hospice and hospice in board and care facilities as well as nurse services. Volunteers attend a 8 week class. You learn the best ways to interact with with the patients...
by Julieanne New | Sep 9, 2012 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Spirituality
I got an opportunity, a big one, to remind myself that another’s opinion of me is just that ,an opinion. It was their opinion of what I had done and what they thought of my doing it. My instant reaction was to feel hurt, this was someone important to me. Then I...
by Julieanne New | Sep 3, 2012 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
Paying attention to your thoughts is so important. It affects your emotions, your feelings and what happens in your life. It’s the run away mind that can wreck much havoc in your life. In addition, have you considered how you talk to your friends when you get...
by Julieanne New | Jul 2, 2012 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer
This is the 6th in a series of blogs reporting on the scientific studies conducted with Reconnective Healing™ on plants and humans by various scientists including Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona. The one thing that is very well known is that The...
by Julieanne New | Jun 24, 2012 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
To continue this series, I’m sharing instruments information used in the testing. I can’t explain how the healing works but I can show you how they determine the changes possibly. I believe this will give energy medicine more credibility....
by Julieanne New | Jun 18, 2012 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
In my earlier blogs on the scientific results done with Reconnective Healing, I talked about the studies done on plants and then I began to list some studies done on humans. Today I’m sharing a study done in Russia. I verified this information with additional...
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