by Julieanne Case | Jul 20, 2015 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer
It’s summertime and tomatoes are coming on fast and furious. We love having a vegetable garden and we love to cook too. Our tomatoes aren’t quite ready so when a friend offered some of hers because she had too many and I grabbed them up. I shared some...
by Julieanne New | Aug 31, 2014 | Energy Healing, Youth & Vitality
It has been several months since I blogged and I’m rather glad so many want this recipe that it got me back into doing a blog. Now I have a couple more lined up. One I actually wrote in April! I named this Fusion Chicken because it’s got Chinese, Thai, and...
by Julieanne Case | Nov 13, 2013 | Energy Healing, Spirituality, Youth & Vitality
Everyone needs to stop right now disapproving of the way they look, especially the young people of today. No, you don’t need to look like the models or the photos in the magazines or like the movie stars. Truth? Most of the movie stars don’t look like...
by Julieanne New | Oct 20, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
I had written about something that went wrong in my last post. Now the getting away part. After I had graduated college, I had moved to California. I got to visit here with my cousin at the age of 19 all summer and fell in love. I went back to finish school with the...
by Julieanne New | Oct 19, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
I had written about Thanksgiving but I couldn’t fit in a few stories. You know, the ones that went wrong or the ones that got away! First up is Went Wrong. I was maybe 12 or so and Mom had gone to the store. She couldn’t find white raisins, also known as...
by Julieanne New | Oct 17, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
Thanksgiving was always celebrated, sometimes together with the aunts and their families, sometimes the uncles from out of state and their families would join us. Mostly it was just the sisters and sometimes we had Thanksgiving for just the three of us. My mom was a...
by Julieanne New | Oct 7, 2013 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer, Interests
In my previous post, I talked about getting started cooking. In this one, I’ll continue on with my lessons from mom. My mom was one of the cooks in the family. Her sister, Aunt Louise, was not. Aunt Louise cooked but she did it out of necessity. Mom enjoyed...
by Julieanne New | Oct 6, 2013 | Energy Healing, Interests, Youth & Vitality
I always tell people I came out of the shute as a foodie. I have always loved food, good food. At the age of 10, I began begging my mom to teach me to cook. She finally gave in and by 12 I was making dinners for my mom, sister and I. Maybe it was a survival tactic, I...
by Julieanne New | Oct 4, 2013 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
What was I thinking getting into a month long blog challenge? Yes, that means 31 days. I know I could stop or I could keep going and do what I can. I can make the effort to write every day. Maybe I’ll do 31 blogs and maybe I won’t. One decision I made was...
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