From The Heart Blog
Mindfulness or Meditation – Which Helps with Opinions?
I got an opportunity, a big one, to remind myself that another's opinion of me is just that ,an opinion. It was their opinion of what I had done and what they thought of my doing it. My instant reaction was to feel hurt, this was someone important to me. Then I...
Designing Your Own Life Requires Paying Attention to Your Thoughts
Paying attention to your thoughts is so important. It affects your emotions, your feelings and what happens in your life. It's the run away mind that can wreck much havoc in your life. In addition, have you considered how you talk to your friends when you get...
Italian Shops: My Childhood Memories
Someone today reminded me about Italians and their love affair with food! It's almost a given for most Italian families. I've heard of a few who didn't have that growing up and I always felt sorry for them. For me, that was the best part of growing up in an Italian...
De-humanizing with peeps?
Peeps. That's the shortened word for people. Are we dehumanizing our friends here using the word "peeps"? Isn't that the word that was used to describe what the little chicks say when they are born and learning to walk around the farmyard? Or the word for the...
Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 6
This is the 6th in a series of blogs reporting on the scientific studies conducted with Reconnective Healing™ on plants and humans by various scientists including Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona. The one thing that is very well known is that The...
Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 5
To continue this series, I'm sharing instruments information used in the testing. I can't explain how the healing works but I can show you how they determine the changes possibly. I believe this will give energy medicine more credibility. Another...
Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 4
In my earlier blogs on the scientific results done with Reconnective Healing, I talked about the studies done on plants and then I began to list some studies done on humans. Today I'm sharing a study done in Russia. I verified this information with additional research...
Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 3
In the first and second blogs of this series I talked about the a few of the studies that were done with plants and plant leaves and Reconnective Healing™. For this blog, I'm going to report some of the findings that have resulted from testing both the practitioners...
Expert Opinions?
Due to lack of time this last week, I couldn't do the research for my blog series on scientific experiments conducted on Reconnective Healing. Yet life has a way of bringing things to your attention. Are you aware how often we judge? We hear an opinions about...
Reconnective Healing: Energy Therapy with Results Part 2
In an earlier blog, I wrote explaining how Reconnective Healings increase immune system by causing changes in your blood. As a result of my talk at the networking group, I've continued reading about the experiments that have been done. In this one, I want to tell you...
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