Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 6

This is the 6th in a series of blogs reporting on the scientific studies conducted with Reconnective Healing™ on plants and humans by various scientists including Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona. The one thing that is very well known is that The Reconnective Healing™ frequencies are strong and palpable. They can be felt through physical sensations tests and they have also been proven to be real in double blind, randomized studies. When I signed up for the training, I really didn’t know much about Reconnective Healing™ or The Reconnection. I didn’t understand the differences between them either. I was contacted and asked if I wished to be part of a study being conducted by the University of Arizona. I accepted. read...

Reconnective Healing: Energy Therapy with Results Part 2

In an earlier blog, I wrote explaining how Reconnective Healings increase immune system  by causing changes in your blood. As a result of my talk at the networking group, I’ve continued reading about the experiments that have been done. In this one, I want to tell you about one of the earlier experiments. One of the scientists was curious to see if Reconnective Healing had any effect on plant life. Dr. Gary Schwarz of the University of Arizona began working with Eric Pearl very early on and continues his studies of this healing process. read...

An Example of the Art of Mirroring

Even with all my writing and videoing about the Art of Mirroring, something happened to me at the Reconnective Healing trainings that startled me. I’m always reminding people that we are all mirrors for each other. Sometimes I’m blind. At the end of the Reconnective healing seminar, I got in the line to get my picture taken with Dr. Eric Pearl.  I love listening to him talk. He’s funny, bright, astute, and sarcastic.  He is also quite capable of pushing people’s buttons.  So I waited until the line was pretty much done. My turn soon came and I got my picture taken with him. read...

Reconnective Healing, An Energy Healing Therapy with Results

I have been doing the Reconnective Healing and the Reconnection for over two years. I’ve seen so many changes in my life. I was a volunteer at the last Reconnective Healing training. I loved the experience. I had a great time greeting the attendees and being with the other volunteers and some of the teacher assistants as well. We had long 12 hour days. At times it was intense with short lunch breaks but I found it rewarding in many ways. I helped in other ways: working in the store and sometimes laying on a table for a demo or to be a practice body for an attendee. read...

Reconnective Energy healing: What happens during a session?

I’ve explained about Reconnective Healing in another video log.  In that video I explained that I open the door for your healing. And it is up to your higher self to walk through the door.  I also explained that healing occurs in the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical areas based on what is appropriate for the client. So what can happen during a session? Each session is different.  I’ve seen some amazing things happen. I’ve also just seen a client lie there and go very deep.  It will look  to me like nothing occurred until the client later shares some pretty wonderful and sometimes mind blowing things that they experienced in the session.  Of course, I love hearing about what everyone experiences. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What is it? Part 4

My personal healing  journey began before I began taking energy healing workshops. At this point, I had no idea I was heading down the path to becoming an energy healer. I didn’t have a clue what was ahead. My journey toward this started after the car accident. I had reached a healing plateau with Gail and the Chiropractor. Gail told me about a self help seminar that taught you a method of releasing emotions to which you are attached from your body. Hearing that it was in my head or heart from both of them, I had to find out if that was true so I decided to take the seminar. read...

Energy Healing Therapy: What is it? Part 2

Continuing on  my series on Energy Healing Therapy.  If you haven’t read  the first blog I wrote on this topic, it might be helpful to do so. As I was saying in the first post, everything that happens to us gets stored in our energy field.  Now I am going to introduce another component to this.  I believe that we all have things to learn in this life and through those “teachings” or lessons, we grow and develop.  How we grow and develop depends on how we react to what we go through.  You have choices: become embittered, a victim, or you can accept what happened to you and look for the good in it.   I went the route of the victim, the poor me and probably embittered too. read...

Am I a Healer or a Matchmaker?

I was told recently by a dear friend I admire that she sees me as a healer.  She said that “Everything you do is healing. Art, The Reconnection, your interests, the way you speak. Everything.”.  I was rather startled, stunned and yes, pleased. That is a lovely thing to hear about yourself.  Yet I have a problem with being called a healer. I believe if I accept that label, my ego will get involved.   I also firmly believe that all of us are healers and many have not awakened that facet of themselves. Some of us may be capable of allowing healing to occur in others and ourselves. read...

What is Energy Healing?

What is energy healing?  Healing is the cessation of dis-ease. To the alliopathic world, it’s the cessation of illness. Healing can occur on many levels: emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.  And they can occur separately or combined. Let’s consider a cut on your arm or your hand. When it has stopped bleeding, andthe gash slowly disappears or leaves a small scar, many consider it healed.  For all intents and purposes that is true.  Sometimes, that gash, depending on how it happened, can leave some unseen hurts or wounds that don’t always heal when the gash does.  This is definitely true with some large traumas. read...