From The Heart Blog

Seth, Time, Lack and Meditation

Seth, Time, Lack and Meditation

There actually is a relationship with these four words? I was reading Seth's blog about shipping versus rushing. I began to think about all the times I am racing to save those few minutes or I don't take the time to read small, charming blogs or informative, thought...

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Do You Know How to Blend?

Do You Know How to Blend?

So what is a blend? According to the free dictionary, a blend is "to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another" or "to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another". And in this case, I...

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A Return to God

A Return to God

I was raised to fear God. Fear him if I didn't do exactly what I was told by the priests, teachers and parents. Even when the commands were conflicting. I never questioned much about God then. At least I don't remember questioning anything about God then. I was too...

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Another Present Moment Insight

Another Present Moment Insight

  In a previous blog I did for Ordinarily Extraordinary Women, I talked about the importance of staying in the present moment. Did you ever find yourself driving the freeway or expressway behind a large vehicle? You can't see much around the vehicle. I don't know...

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