From The Heart Blog
“Serenity” Painting & A 3:15 Haiku Equals Honorable Mention
I have mixed feelings about entering art shows. If validation comes from within, then the results of an art show can create counter productive emotions. The ego gets excited if you win and gets deflated when you lose. That is, until one is good with whatever happens...
Are Judgments Just Recycled Thoughts?
I work on watching my thoughts most of the time, especially judgments. I find it interesting that Wikepedia defines Judgment as the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. My husband, Ron, and I had gone to a party a couple of months ago. I didn't realize how much...
Wine Blending by Rodney Strong Vineyards – Part 2
When I entered the room, my eyes saw a sea of wine glasses. I saw 8 glasses at each place. Five of them had small amounts of blending wine along with bottles to replenish the glasses. The sixth had the Rodney Strong Symmetry wine to give us inspiration! Two were...
Seth, Time, Lack and Meditation
There actually is a relationship with these four words? I was reading Seth's blog about shipping versus rushing. I began to think about all the times I am racing to save those few minutes or I don't take the time to read small, charming blogs or informative, thought...
Do You Know How to Blend?
So what is a blend? According to the free dictionary, a blend is "to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another" or "to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another". And in this case, I...
Constructive Criticisms or Being Judgmental
A friend recently reposted a blog by a mutual friend. Her comments caught my attention since it started out with "Stupid, dumb, lazy, retarded…" (What's that tell you about me? ) I continued to read which lead to reading the blog about people who criticize others for...
Did Your Chocolate Valentines Deliver What You Needed?
Is Valentine's Day a necessity? Have you ever asked yourself that question? What if the greeting card companies had never created Valentine's Day? Would you still believe you were loved? What does one day matter? Why do so many put so much stock into what happens,...
A Return to God
I was raised to fear God. Fear him if I didn't do exactly what I was told by the priests, teachers and parents. Even when the commands were conflicting. I never questioned much about God then. At least I don't remember questioning anything about God then. I was too...
Another Present Moment Insight
In a previous blog I did for Ordinarily Extraordinary Women, I talked about the importance of staying in the present moment. Did you ever find yourself driving the freeway or expressway behind a large vehicle? You can't see much around the vehicle. I don't know...
Poetry Writing: Good for Immune Boosting?
When I can, I do hospice work with Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association. They do in home hospice and hospice in board and care facilities as well as nurse services. Volunteers attend a 8 week class. You learn the best ways to interact with with the patients...
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