From The Heart Blog
Stories Behind the Art
I was asked to submit a painting for a local gallery, Buenaventura Art Association.This show is titled "Stories". They wanted art that had a unique story about something that stick's in the artist's mind. For me, it was the Thomas Fire that hit my county and city of...
Homemade Tomato Basil Soup
It's summertime and tomatoes are coming on fast and furious. We love having a vegetable garden and we love to cook too. Our tomatoes aren't quite ready so when a friend offered some of hers because she had too many and I grabbed them up. I shared some with others but...
Fusion Chicken with Coconut Milk
It has been several months since I blogged and I'm rather glad so many want this recipe that it got me back into doing a blog. Now I have a couple more lined up. One I actually wrote in April! I named this Fusion Chicken because it's got Chinese, Thai, and...
Life Long Passion for Food Part 9: Puffed Pancakes
The other day I posted a picture of our Thanksgiving breakfast dish. I have made this dish on days I deemed special over the last 30 plus years. The Marlene Sorosky cookbook, Cookery for Entertaining, is falling apart! I've also made her Frozen Lemon Cream served in...
Life Long Passion for Food Part 8: Avocado Tasting
Upon opening my box from Avocado Diva, I found two layers of avocados. You can see the box in the previous blog about avocados. Then I found a letter telling me what varieties were included and a description of each type. Also in the box was a little jewel...
You Are Enough Just As You Are!
Everyone needs to stop right now disapproving of the way they look, especially the young people of today. No, you don't need to look like the models or the photos in the magazines or like the movie stars. Truth? Most of the movie stars don't look like their own movie...
Being Sad and Feeling Sad: Is There a Difference?
Have you ever stopped to think about this? The difference between being sad and feeling sad? You may say there is no difference. But I believe you are wrong. What brought all this up? I see posts where people respond to something tragic with "I am sad" or "This makes...
Life Long Passion for Food Part 8: Avocados
Taking a break from my food history and writing about avocados. Why you may ask? I got an amazing package in the mail from a woman, Brenda Cusick, who calls herself the Avocado Diva. And that she is. She can give you so much information on avocados. It's amazing. I...
Life Long Passion for Food Part 7: Thanksgiving Stories Continued
I had written about something that went wrong in my last post. Now the getting away part. After I had graduated college, I had moved to California. I got to visit here with my cousin at the age of 19 all summer and fell in love. I went back to finish school with the...
Life Long Passion for Food Part 7: Thanksgiving Stories
I had written about Thanksgiving but I couldn't fit in a few stories. You know, the ones that went wrong or the ones that got away! First up is Went Wrong. I was maybe 12 or so and Mom had gone to the store. She couldn't find white raisins, also known as Golden...
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