by Julieanne New | Jun 24, 2012 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
To continue this series, I’m sharing instruments information used in the testing. I can’t explain how the healing works but I can show you how they determine the changes possibly. I believe this will give energy medicine more credibility....
by Julieanne New | Jun 18, 2012 | Energy Healing, Spirituality
In my earlier blogs on the scientific results done with Reconnective Healing, I talked about the studies done on plants and then I began to list some studies done on humans. Today I’m sharing a study done in Russia. I verified this information with additional...
by Julieanne New | Jun 10, 2012 | Energy Healing, Health, Inner & Outer
In the first and second blogs of this series I talked about the a few of the studies that were done with plants and plant leaves and Reconnective Healing™. For this blog, I’m going to report some of the findings that have resulted from testing both the...
by Julieanne New | Jun 4, 2012 | Health, Inner & Outer, Spirituality
Due to lack of time this last week, I couldn’t do the research for my blog series on scientific experiments conducted on Reconnective Healing. Yet life has a way of bringing things to your attention. Are you aware how often we judge? We hear an opinions about...
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