The Gifts of Gratitude – Part 1

Many of us spend time judging each other.  Some of that time we spend comparing which is another form of judgment that usually leaves the comparer holding the short end of the stick.  Many don’t even think comparing is judging.  To have a comparison you have to judge...

Am I a Healer or a Matchmaker?

I was told recently by a dear friend I admire that she sees me as a healer.  She said that “Everything you do is healing. Art, The Reconnection, your interests, the way you speak. Everything.”.  I was rather startled, stunned and yes, pleased. That is a lovely thing...

The Art of Mirroring

Before I got on my spiritual path, I was very heavily invested in judging others: how they looked, talked, or ate along with their occupation, their mate, and their beliefs (especially if they didn’t agree with mine) to name just a few of them.  I started on my path...