Iron Gate in Residential Neighborhood: Truly Necessary?

We live up the hill behind the baseball diamonds of a high school. We’ve been here a long time and experienced things we’ve liked and things we haven’t. The noise from the games, stadium floodlights flooding our house, damaged mailboxes, empty beer cans in yards (don’t they know to recycle cans? Oh, yes, best not to take home beer cans!), cars blocking our driveway.  We’ve watched things get cleaned up, we’ve seen stadium floodlights redirected, mailboxes now intact, and no more beer cans. We also lost the dog turf when they put in artificial turf (we always cleaned up after our girls!) read...

Save Our Rights to Organic and Healthy Foods

Markets have always been a driving force in our economy, has it not?  So why are the various government bureaucracies doing their best to shut down businesses that came about because a need developed that these small businesses are working to fill.  What might that be you ask? Good question.  The need is simply families and individuals who want healthier food for themselves and their families and in this particular case, raw milk. I received a blog today that really upset me.  I had been thinking about writing a blog on this subject for a couple of days.  This solidified the urge. read...

Family Break Part 2

As Ray drove, I took some shots of the country side.  It was a gloriously beautiful day but blazingly, brutally hot and humid, too. We finally came upon a sign that read Yellow Butterfly Winery.  As we drove up the winding driveway, we came upon a beautiful huge barn completely painted yellow. There was an alpaca rolling in the dirt behind an enclosure, too.  As we walked up the stairs, we saw a sign in the window:  “Wine a little bit… You’ll feel better”.  Ray commented that the “ch” fell off the sign, that’s what the dots represented! read...