Energy Healing Therapy: What is it?

  So what is energy and energy work?  Am I referring to an electrician coming out to work with the energy called electricity for our house?  No, I’m talking about the energy that we have in and around our bodies, the energy that makes up our bodies.  The energy that helps us do so much with these wonderful forms called bodies and with the thoughts in the brain or mind and the feelings in our hearts.  Emotions are a form of  energy too. We are all made up of energy. Energy is also called Chi or Prana. The Chinese, Japanese and Indian cultures have studied energy and recognized that you can be aware of the energy in the bodies and manipulate the energy for better health, emotional stability and more.   We have an energy field around us that contains an aura.  Everything that happens to us affects our energy field. Our energy fields hold much of what happens to us, happy events, traumas and everything in between. Have you ever noticed when something reminds you of an extremely happy event, you immediately start smiling and feeling some fantastic feelings?  If you stop to notice, you’ve triggered the event that is in your energy field where you first experienced that happy occasion. The same is true, if not more so with a trauma. Anything close to that trauma sets off that emotional response that we stored there when the initial event took place. And nothing seems to dislodge it. read...