Fusion Chicken with Coconut Milk

It has been several months since I blogged and I’m rather glad so many want this recipe that it got me back into doing a blog. Now I have a couple more lined up. One I actually wrote in April! I named this Fusion Chicken because it’s got Chinese, Thai, and Indian seasonings. Please let me know if you have a better name. Leave it in the comments for  me. I’ve been making this chicken for my husband and I for the last few months. It’s a recipe that started with a modified Jaime Oliver recipe of Chicken in Milk that used coconut milk. That appealed to me more. I tried that one but Ron (hubby) didn’t like the cinnamon in it. It wasn’t thrilling me but I liked it. read...

Another Present Moment Insight

  In a previous blog I did for Ordinarily Extraordinary Women, I talked about the importance of staying in the present moment. Did you ever find yourself driving the freeway or expressway behind a large vehicle? You can’t see much around the vehicle. I don’t know about you but I get antsy and want to find a way to get around the vehicle so I have an unobstructed view. Then it hit me. That’s just like us traveling on the roadways of life. We really can’t see the future, we can plan what we think it should be. We can guess what we think it will be. We can hope. read...

Mindfulness or Meditation – Which Helps with Opinions?

I got an opportunity, a big one, to remind myself that another’s opinion of me is just that ,an opinion. It was their opinion of what I had done and what they thought of my doing it. My instant reaction was to feel hurt, this was someone important to me. Then I stopped and looked again. I reminded myself that this happened to bring up some old tired emotions that needed to be loved, accepted, allowed, forgiven, and released. I also saw this as a great reminder that even though the person is important to me, they were merely sharing their opinion of my actions and that’s all. They are not an expert online or offline on me. I am the only expert of me. read...

Designing Your Own Life Requires Paying Attention to Your Thoughts

Paying attention to your thoughts is so important. It affects your emotions, your feelings and what happens in your life. It’s the run away mind that can wreck much havoc in your life. In addition, have you considered how you talk to your friends when you get together? Are you complaining about things that happen in your life that you don’t find pleasing? Are you aware when you do that, you are drawing more of that to you?  Are you a captive of your own complaining? You are designing your own life whether you believe it or not. read...

De-humanizing with peeps?

  Peeps. That’s the shortened word for people. Are we dehumanizing our friends here using the word “peeps”? Isn’t that the word that was used to describe what the little chicks say when they are born and learning to walk around the farmyard? Or the word for the ubiquitous yellow candies we buy at Easter that are pretty much indestructible these days?  When you meet them in person, do they look like a peep? They might be a pip in personality! But a peep? Are peeps truly that different from our in person friends? Does everything have to be abbreviated? Do we really need to distinguish a difference between our online friends and in person friends? And does it change our perception of our friends in the internet web world every so slightly? When does a friend become a peep or vice versa? read...

Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 5

To continue this series, I’m sharing instruments information used in the testing.  I can’t explain how the healing works but I can show you how they determine the changes possibly.  I believe this will give energy medicine more credibility. Another practitioner shared  a PDF paper, Art, Science and Spirit of Electro Photon Imaging, that is dealing with energography and bioelectrography. This is incorporating mental and spiritual measurements along with the physical, a way to address the whole person in energy medicine. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, who I’ve mentioned in the earlier blogs, has used EPC/GDV in the Reconnective Healing studies. read...

Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 4

In my earlier blogs on the scientific results done with Reconnective Healing, I talked about the studies done on plants and then I began to list some studies done on humans. Today I’m sharing a study done in Russia. I verified this information with additional research and used much of the information I found on this from Doug De Vito who was an instructor with the Reconnection and is the author of new book coming out soon by Hay House called The Upgrade. They tell us this story at the training seminars. Reconnective Healing was being taught to a team of Russian doctors, therapists, researchers and the Olympic athletes. The results were astonishing. They designed the study to give the test subjects 5 hours of teaching and interaction with the frequencies over 2 days.  I find it interesting that the Russian medical community is more open to energy medicine than here in the US. read...

Reconnective Healing™: Energy Therapy with Results Part 3

In the first and second blogs of this series I talked about the a few of the studies that were done with plants and plant leaves and Reconnective Healing™. For this blog, I’m going to report some of the findings that have resulted from testing both the practitioners and the clients with Reconnective Healing™. The scientists who have conducted many of these tests are Dr. Gary Schwartz, PhD, Professor at University of Arizona, Dr. William Tiller, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia. read...

Reconnective Healing: Energy Therapy with Results Part 2

In an earlier blog, I wrote explaining how Reconnective Healings increase immune system  by causing changes in your blood. As a result of my talk at the networking group, I’ve continued reading about the experiments that have been done. In this one, I want to tell you about one of the earlier experiments. One of the scientists was curious to see if Reconnective Healing had any effect on plant life. Dr. Gary Schwarz of the University of Arizona began working with Eric Pearl very early on and continues his studies of this healing process. read...