Are Judgments Just Recycled Thoughts?

I work on watching my thoughts most of the time, especially judgments. I find it interesting that Wikepedia defines Judgment as the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. My husband, Ron, and I had gone to a party a couple of months ago. I didn’t realize how much I had been watching my thoughts. I felt really good about it because I was catching myself on things. Yet what startled me was the automatic judgments. Say what? Yes, I found myself doing these automatic judgments and I thought “whoa, where’d that come from?”.  In light of the above definition, I was evaluating what evidence to make what kind of decision?  I started paying more attention and sure enough, I caught a few more. read...

Constructive Criticisms or Being Judgmental

A friend recently reposted a blog by a mutual friend. Her comments caught my attention since it started out with “Stupid, dumb, lazy, retarded…” (What’s that tell you about me? ) I continued to read which lead to reading the blog about people who criticize others for not using words like their, there, they’re in the proper context or using its and it’s incorrectly. These criticizers appear to also assume the writer is stupid or lazy or lacks education when, in fact, it’s a function of the way their brain works. They are dyslexics and I’m married to one. (Which may explain to many old friends why he married me!) read...